Rules of Praise and Quantification
How do we quantify subjectivity? This document gives perspective on how to effectively give praise within the TEC community and quantify it as a quantifier during the reward process.
👯 Who can praise?
Anyone who wishes to do so. This person should contact a Steward directly to request praise powers.
Praise powers can be retrieved in case of malicious action - see the Community Covenant for reference.
💛 What do we praise?
Praise is a great signal to inform quality. The way each one of us judges what has quality is very subjective, so limiting what can be praised wouldn’t be ideal. Instead, we should try to be as descriptive and specific as possible to guide quantifiers towards an understanding of our expression of value. Imagine praise as a magical device that can transform invisible pieces of value into visible and tangible flows.
1. Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes or opinions
Some examples of contributions that have been praised and should continue to be praised are:
Being kind
Taking the initiative
Preparing something
Asking relevant questions
Giving direction to someone
Providing information and insights
Being supportive
Holding space
Being proactive
Sharing responsibilities
Inviting someone to join/ being welcoming
Giving valuable inputs
High vibes
For doing something no one but you saw
Being present/ available
Providing emotional support
🔢 What we don't praise?
Objective contributions in general should be captured by SourceCred. See the full list of the actions that are currently rewarded in the SourceCred configuration
Objective; 1. (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
Examples of contributions that have been praised but shouldn't anymore after the transition to the new reward system.
Attending meetings
Contributing to discussions in the forum (the quality of someone’s contribution can still be praised, but the fact someone liked or wrote a post or comment will be rewarded through SourceCred)
Twitting or retweeting content.
Being active on Github
:memo: How should a praise be formulated?
👾 Discord: !praise @xyz @yzl @ooo for _______________.
:small_airplane: Telegram: !dish praise to @xyz, @yzl, @ooo for _______________.
⭐️ Be specific ⭐️ avoid superlatives like: “They’re amazing in all they do”, “I praise all the work they did in this process”
This is a valid form of appreciation, but it gets tricky when it needs to be quantified. When praising, try to focus on one or a few action points, or add a quality to the general action to help quantifiers understand why that is important. ex. “I praise the thoughtfulness they put in the details of this process, like adding emojis related to each topic of the agenda”
🐇 Are there praise categories?
There are no categories but a fibonacci sequence value slide to help on quantification.
From less value to more value.
We’ll use either a more full version,
→ 1 → 2 → 3 → 5 → 8 → 13 → 21 → 34 → 55 → 89 → 144
Or one with 5 points
0 → 13 → 21 → 55 → 144
Or one with 7 points
0 -> 3 -> 8 -> 21 -> 55 -> 89 -> 144
To be debated…
🤓 Questions to have in mind during quantification
How much effort was put into this?
What is the impact of this contribution to the TEC?
How original/ unique is this contribution?
Last updated
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