Roles 🌿
In the TEC we have four different roles that serve as guidelines for managing responsibilities and commitments. It is important to note that none of these roles holds any formal power within the TEC. They are strictly designed to delineate specific responsibilities that are important for coordination across and within TEC organizational units.
The journey for any new member within the TEC will start with becoming a Contributor. This role makes up the majority of members within the TEC, and every single contributor is vital for the success of the organization.
Onboarding: A contributor is active once they joined the TEC Discord Server, are aware of the Forum and TEC calendar of events. The Onboarding call is the best place to ask questions and enjoy the focused attention of long time contributors. The incubator chat is made for new members to share and ask anything related to their engagement in the TEC.
Responsibilities: to act in alignment with the TEC agreements, mission, vision, values and code of conduct.
Commitment: to be an active participant whenever they choose to partake in something, e.g, be engaged in the synch calls, be available for clarifying questions whenever they comment on proposals, vote or take issues to collaborate with.
Can own issues
Synchs in calls
Promotes TEC grants and initiatives
Votes on parameters and proposals
Active in the forum
Receives praise and can dish praise
Community Stewards
Community Stewards are extremely important for coordination within the TEC. Each Steward has display exceptional knowledge of the TEC mission and the organizational processes that exist. The role of a steward is to be a servant leader, who is in the know, and can commit enough time to facilitate the day-to-day coordination of TEC initiatives.
Onboarding: Community Stewards are the ones in the know of what is happening in the TEC. Onboarding happens when one steward nominates a community member to become a steward and has the approval of at least 2 other stewards and no blocks during a week. If a block happens, the nomination is suspended and Gravity will mediate a dialogue to solve the issue and either continue with the nomination or drop it.
Responsibilities: to act in alignment with the TEC agreements, mission, vision, values and code of conduct.
Commitment: of 5+ hours per week almost every week until the TE Commons is Deployed on the functions stated below
Great understanding of the TE Commons
Proactive on solving problems
Implement strategies and work together as a team.
Up-to-date with all the decisions taken by the TEC
Confident to lead working groups.
Assist on the education and onboarding of new members
Receives & Dishes Praise
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are individuals with a specific set of expertise around the different functions of the TEC. Their main role is to be a source for advice when contributors and stewards run into difficult decisions, and to educate members about their specific field of expertise.
Onboarding: Subject Matter Experts can be onboarded directly to the area they wish to contribute with. E.g. lawyers might go straight to the Legal WG and cadCAD researchers to the TEC Lab. Without a general involvement but still providing impactful contributions. SME should be in our Discord server and have access to the forum and TE calendar.
Responsibilities: to act in alignment with the TEC agreements, mission, vision, values and code of conduct.
Commitment: To be an active participant of the working group they accept to be a part and to be open to provide advice when requested through Advice Process. It is appreciated if their availability is communicated to the Community Steward they are working closer with.
Makes critical contributions but might not have the bandwidth to be a Community Steward or Working Group Lead.
Participates in the Advice Process
Participates in punctual TEC initiatives
Receives Praise and can dish praise
Gravitons / Conflict Managers
Gravitons are the conflict managers of the TEC. Each Graviton has gone through special training for conflict resolution and non-violent communication. They act proactively to interpersonal conflicts within and across the organizational boundaries.
Onboarding: Gravitons are onboarded during the Graviton Training. The last training had 8 sessions that introduced concepts like Non Violent Communication, Spiral Dynamics and Ostrom's 8 principles for Governing the Commons. Every attendee received a POAP (NFT participation badges) at the end of each session and the ones who collected a minimum of 4 POAPs were invited to become a Graviton!
Responsibilities: to act in alignment with the TEC agreements, mission, vision, values, code of conduct, and additional requirements for Gravitons.
Commitment: to attend most of the Gravity calls and be available for managing conflicts or challenging social situations any time they may arise.
Receive cases from conflict management requests
Apply and participate in periodical review of graduate sanctions
Up-to-date with all the decisions taken by the TEC
Knowledge and training of scaling protocols and conflict management mechanisms
Accountables of easy access and use of the conflict protocol
Rotative role - Max 2-3 years in a row
Receives and dishes Praise
Last updated
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