
Community Stewards are the ones in the know of what is happening in the TEC. Onboarding happens when one steward nominates a community member to become a steward and has the approval of at least 2 other stewards and no blocks during a week. If a block happens, the nomination is suspended and Gravity will mediate a dialogue to solve the issue and either continue with the nomination or drop it.

General Permissions of Server

  • View channels

  • Manage roles

  • View audit log

  • View server insights

Membership Permissions

  • Create invite

  • Change nicknames

  • Manage nicknames

Text Channel Permissions

  • Send messages

  • Embed links

  • Attach files

  • Add reactions

  • Use external emojis

  • Mention @everyone, @here and all roles

  • Manage messages

  • Read message history

  • Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions

  • Connect

  • Speak

  • Video

  • Use voice activity

  • Mute members

  • Move members

Stage Channel Permissions

  • Request to speak

Last updated