Note! The Working Group Manifesto is a live document, as the working group evolves (e.g. people join the working group) this document should be updated to reflect these changes. This is important so that there is an updated single source of truth for onboarding new working group members.
(The working group lead is expected to keep the document up to date.)
Eduardo and Tamara are the Stewards of this Working Group.
On TEC Discord @eduardovegap and @tam2140
Communitas Goals
The intention of this Working Group is to nurture, grow and guide the TEC community. The points of focus are new member orientation, current member community building, and organizational design: namely, guiding folks into the TEC and helping folks navigate the TEC from the inside.
Areas to receive attention and care include:
Orientation - making the TEC an inviting space for newcomers and assisting them in finding direction
Onboarding - helping fledging TEC members advance their roles
Integration and facilitation of the TEC community
Organizational design - information pathways, different ways of working together, inclusion, accessibility etc.
Areas also on the Communitas WG radar include:
TE Scouts - encourage this project that brings like-minded DAO communities together
TEC Lounge - promoting a space for TEC members to engage casually, ask questions candidly, relax and explore without constraints or expectations
TEC Projects - support members who are developing projects for TEC funding
TEC Services - support services that bridge TEC with nested communities
Success vs. Failure
New members feel cared for when they enter and are supported in the directions they want to take.
New members are guided in helping identify the directions they want to take.
New members are given clear information on the design and function of the TEC.
Members at all levels of the TEC feel that they know where to look to receive guidance for the direction they want to go.
Members at all levels of the TEC feel that they know the direction they’re going
The DAO space is strengthened by our inter-DAO relationship building.
The TEC’s organizational design includes clear information pathways and various ways of working together, and new members find the TEC accessible and inclusive.
New members are lost.
The design of the TEC is unclear to new members.
The TEC struggles to integrate new members.
Members at all levels do not feel a unity in the TEC.
Members at all levels are unclear how to contribute or navigate their participation in the TEC.
We receive feedback that the TEC is inaccessible and isn’t inclusive.
Proposals and projects being misinformed
Community missing key dates such as voting events, deadlines, etc.
Unanswered questions and information on the discord servers.
Last updated
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