Subject Matter Experts

Subject Matter Experts can be onboarded directly to the area they wish to contribute with. E.g. lawyers might go straight to the Legal WG and cadCAD researchers to the TEC Lab. Without a general involvement but still providing impactful contributions. SME should be in our Discord server and have access to the forum and TE calendar.

General Permissions of Server

  • View channels

  • Manage emojis & stickers

Membership Permissions

  • Create invite

  • Change nickname

Text Channel Permissions

  • Send messages

  • Embed links

  • Attach files

  • Add reactions

  • Use external emojis

  • Mention @everyone, @here and all roles

  • Manage messages

  • Read message history

  • Use application commands

Voice Channel Permissions

  • Connect

  • Speak

  • Video

  • Use voice activity

Stage Channel Permissions

  • Request to speak

Last updated